Un-stucking Yourself
Whether you're needing some motivation to change something, an idea how to spice up your life a bit or just feeling a little stuck, I think you could find something for you in this little post. A little while ago, I was feeling really stuck. I had no motivation, doing just the bare minimum of the things I had to do. That's when I decided that things should not continue like that and it is time to change something up. So when I woke up one morning I started with doing a list of things I could change. First Tip: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano Yep, "a healthy mind in a healthy body", Don't worry, I won't start lecturing you now about healthy eating, exercise and stuff like that. I mean, it would be great if I could talk about stuff like that, but definitely, there are places you could find much more and better-organized info on these topics. Anyway, every time, you start constantly feeling, like you have no energy to get through the day and are just...