Un-stucking Yourself

Whether you're needing some motivation to change something, an idea how to spice up your life a bit or just feeling a little stuck, I think you could find something for you in this little post. A little while ago, I was feeling really stuck. I had no motivation, doing just the bare minimum of the things I had to do. That's when I decided that things should not continue like that and it is time to change something up. So when I woke up one morning I started with doing a list of things I could change.

First Tip: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

Yep, "a healthy mind in a healthy body", Don't worry, I won't start lecturing you now about healthy eating, exercise and stuff like that. I mean, it would be great if I could talk about stuff like that, but definitely, there are places you could find much more and better-organized info on these topics. Anyway, every time, you start constantly feeling, like you have no energy to get through the day and are just looking forward to getting back on your couch in front of the TV, the first thing you need to change about your life is probably your eating and exercise habits. I'm not encouraging you to go to the bio store and buy tons of healthy foods(actually I have written more on this topic here) and get a gym membership. Take things slowly: begin starting your day with a little stretch routine(15 minutes just to wake your body up), start drinking more water, stop eating at midnight, go to bed earlier... All of this stuff is easy but really powerful. 

Second Tip: Make Your Life Interesting

Finding a new hobby could help you "un-stuck" yourself. Last time I felt lonely, depressed and stuck, I joined a choir. I've always thought that choirs can't be any fun. Turns out I wasn't right. I just had to step out of my comfort zone. I'm not saying that joining a choir will definitely get you motivated. It worked for me, but you're probably not that interested in making music. You could try doing some sport, cooking class(I've always wanted to try that, maybe it is time to finally do it), learn a language or whatever new skill you can think of. Just start doing something. You'll see, that having something to look forward to in your day, can really get you moving. 

Third Tip: Buy a Calendar and a Pen

Sometimes you'll feel stuck because you have so much to do and no idea how to start. So you won't start and work will keep piling up, and you'll feel even worse and that will continue until you explode. The best way to get over this is actually having a plan. Yeah, not everything can be planned. Sometimes life gives you surprises that wreck all of your plans, but that is no reason to go around without any plan. Every phone has a little app called Calendar. Just take a look at the things you have to do, create a schedule and you'll see, that in the end, you'll feel better. At least you'll see that your tasks aren't impossible. Of course, there's the second part of that too. You have to be disciplined and diligent and actually stick as close to your plan as possible.

Fourth Tip: Take Time Off

If nothing else works, you probably need some time off. Away from everything that stresses you. Away from anyone that stresses you. You don't need to plan an expensive one-month trip to clear your mind. A day alone in the park might do the trick too. Turn off your phone, get your favourite book or person(if you have someone like that), go to the park, find a nice quiet place and just relax. No need to read the book, you could just take nap, talk to a random stranger, throw stones in a river/pond/lake... Do what you want to do! Recharge your battery and then go back to your life with new energy.

These were my four little tips on improving your life. They may look really small and insignificant, but aren't all important things like that too?

P.S. Actually, by following my second tip, I created this blog!



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